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New version af Online Signature

By 23/04/2020September 2nd, 2020Online Signature

In the beginning of May a new version of Online Signature will be launched. Online signature has been given a new layout that matches SuperOffice and we have significantly improved the performance and usability of the app.

We would like to higlight the following new/improved features:

Pop-up when creating new documents for signing

When setting up a document for signing, a dialogue box pops out of SuperOffice into a new window, making it more user friendly.

Multi Signee with a better and faster search functionality

With multi signee, you will now get a better overview and with a very fast and better search engine, that can search across the SuperOffice database for Company, Associate, Name or Email.

Grouping of multiple recipients

Another new feature on the overview page is that Signicat mails to multiple recipients will show the recipients grouped, so that you can easily see the overall status of the single document.

Improved merge documents functionality

When using Merge documents, it’s just a simple drag and drop to re-order you list of documents.

Statusbar at the top of the Signicat tab in SuperOffice

A sought feature has been a Signicat Status in SuperOffice. This feature will be implemented with a status bar at the top of the screen, however the bar will only be visible when there are messages to display.

New improved layout on the admin page

Also the Admin page on will have a new layout.